ellohay! West Michigan

Nerd Alert

Posted in events by forgr on April 3, 2009

Nerd alert: This is Marie-Claire from ellohay! West Michigan. I’d like to invite all of you our Launch event (June 25 @ 5:00) and Geek-a-thon install-fest (July 2 @5:00). RSVP on Facebook when you have a minute, and invite all your friends, nerds and non-nerds.


We’re in need of volunteers to man stations and be community advocates for each event, so email me personally to sign up for either night (you’ll get a free t-shirt out of it too) at marie-claire @ ellohay.org.

Philly Is On!

Posted in benchmarks, links for community by forgr on February 24, 2008

Philadelphia, PA has it together. Check out their Wireless Philadelphia informational website and their “New users” website, Philly Is On!

“Wireless Philadelphia was created to transform Philadelphia’s neighborhoods by making high-speed Internet access more available and affordable through Digital Inclusion – the initiative that helps people who are not online gain access with hardware, software, tech support/information, and broadband Internet service, so they can begin to use this technology to improve their educational, employment, health, and life opportunities.

Wireless Philadelphia will help all citizens, businesses, schools, and community organizations embrace this technology while strengthening the City’s economy, enhancing the visitor experience, and streamlining City services.”

It can be done, and done well. What do you think Grand Rapids?
